Wing Chun Sifus Database

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Common Name Bio (continued on main profile page) Lineage Last Updatedsort ascending
Rhea Torres Castro Sifu Rhea is a certified Functional Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor. (Ip Man) William Cheung Jul 17, 2024
Slavko Truntic Slavko Truntic Born in 1938, he started Wing Chun in 1977.  He is master of karate, pioneer in ex yu, master of judo, master of Jujutsu... He was first WT master in... Read more (Ip Man) Leung Ting Feb 2, 2024
George Touzozoglou George was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. In 1984 he started martial arts, specifically in the style of Kung Fu where he participated in numerous... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Oct 13, 2023
T. Taganashi Todd Taganashi Private student of Sifu Sam Chan from 2009 - 20012. (Ip Man) Ip Ching Aug 1, 2023
Bryan Talbot Influenced by the TV show “Kung Fu” with David Carradine, Sifu Talbot began training in Kung Fu in 1973 at the Inglewood YMCA. For the next... Read more (Ip Man) Ip Ching Mar 4, 2023
Renzo Tat Renzo Tat Renzo Tat MBAcC BSc Hons (Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture) Dip BSS-Do (Shiatsu) Cert TuiNa (Hebei Medical University China) Welcome to... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Shun Leung Sep 22, 2022
Tang family Weng Chun tree Vincent Tso Second generation student of GM Tang Yik. He moved from Hong Kong to USA in late 1960s to study and later settled down in LA. He continues to... Read more (Shaolin Weng Chun) Tang Family Mar 18, 2022
Five Elements Wing Tsun Kung Fu Association Sifus listed as "Students" here are one that did not add their lineage to the database yet.  To be fully approved and incorporated into the site all... Read more (Ip Man) Leung Ting Feb 1, 2022
Torok Robert Török Róbert The chief instructor of the Five Elements Wing Tsun Kung Fu Association SiFu Róbert Török Born on the 18th of December of 1978 in Debrecen, Hungary... Read more (Ip Man) Leung Ting Feb 1, 2022
Grandmaster Ip Man & Master Tsoi Siu Kwong - Gregory Choi In oral tradition passed on to Dave Richardson, Master Choi was a private student of Grand Master Ip Man in Hong Kong, when Ip Man began to accept... Read more (Ip Man) Greg Tsoi Sep 1, 2020


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