Wing Chun (Ving Tsun, WingTsun) School Directory

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School Name Head Sifu Countrysort ascending State City Website Updated date
Ving Tsun Fong Wing Hong Martial Art Institute 方永康 Edmund Fong 方永康 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon TOKWAWAN Jul 15, 2011
Joseph Lo Ving Tsun Kung Fu Academy Joseph Lo 盧 漢強 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Tokwawan Jul 15, 2011
Ving Tsun Athletic Association (Headquarter of Ving Tsun Tong) 詠春體育會 Ip Chun 葉準 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon Ving Tsun Athletic Association Jul 12, 2011
Chiu Hok Yin Ving Tsun Martial Art Association Chiu Hok Yin 趙學賢 Hong Kong S.A.R., China North New Territories Yuen Long Chiu Hok Yin Ving Tsun Martial Art Association Jul 13, 2011
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Leung Pui Chung Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon Mongkok Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Jul 13, 2011
International Wing Tsun Association Leung Ting 梁挻 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon Kowloon Jul 14, 2011
Wing Tsun Tam Hun Fan Martial Art Association Tam Hun Fan Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon Yaumatei Jul 14, 2011
Ving Tsun Martial Art Institute Cliff Au Yeung 歐陽劍文 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Wan Chai Hong Kong Island Wan Chai Jul 15, 2011
Siu Yuk Men Ving Tsun Kung fu Academy Siu Yuk Men 蕭煜民 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon Ngau Tau Kok Jul 15, 2011
Ma Kee Fai Ving Tsun Athletic Association Ma Kee Fai 馬紀輝 Hong Kong S.A.R., China Kowloon City Kowloon Mongkok Nov 13, 2011
