Wing Chun Sifus Database

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Common Name Bio (continued on main profile page) Lineage Last Updatedsort ascending
Au Chi Sing We have no Info on this Sifu. Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information! This site relies on you to help keep... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Cze Wing Nov 20, 2016
Chau Lin Fat We have no Info on this Sifu. Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information! This site relies on you to help keep... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Cze Wing Nov 20, 2016
Wong Cze Wing We have no Info on this Sifu. Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information! This site relies on you to help keep... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Cze Wing Nov 20, 2016
John Di Virgilio John Di Virgilio Started in 1975 under Robert Yeung in Hawaii.  Now in Kailua, HI.Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information!... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Chok Nov 20, 2016
Wong Long Ching, Kwok Fu, Alan Vasquez Alan Vasquez Started in 1977 under Robert Yeung in Hi, now in CA.Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information! This site... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Long Ching Nov 20, 2016
Randy Koller Randy Koller Sifu Randy has studied the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu since 1990. His first exposure to the art was under the teaching style of Sifu Andrew Fera (North... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Nov 20, 2016
Rahsun Herkul Rahsun Herkul Sifu Rahsun Herkul studied Wing Chun with Master Phillip Redmond in 1980.In 1983 Master Redmond changed to Traditional Wing Chun. Sifu Herkul decided... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Nov 20, 2016
Carmelino Guiao Carmelino Guiao Sifu Guiao started his martial arts training at the age of 14 with Tang Soo Do, a Korean kicking and punching art. After two years of study he... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Nov 20, 2016
John R. Wahnish John R. Wahnish Dr. Wahnish achieved the rank of Sifu with highest honors under Grandmaster Holder, with whom he continues direct tutelage.  Sifu Wahnish has been... Read more (Ip Man) Moy Yat Nov 20, 2016
Jon Diament Jon Diament Sifu Jon Diament is the chief instructor of the American Wing Chun Federation. His martial arts training began at the age of 14. He has studied... Read more (Ip Man) Moy Yat Nov 20, 2016


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