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William Kwok

  • Years in Wing Chun :
  • Is a Sifu: Yes

about me

Sifu William Kwok was born and raised in Hong Kong and began his training in the martial arts in 1979. He has studied Practical Wing Chun and Qi Gong diligently under Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung’s private instruction since 2005. In 2007, he founded Gotham Martial Arts in New York City. A year later, he became the first Regional Director of Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun Kung Fu in America. In 2011, Master Kwok took part in the Induction Ceremony (Bai Si) and became a Closed Door Disciple of Grandmaster Wan. He is Grandmaster Wan’s first Closed Door Disciple that has both completed the Practical Wing Chun system and taught professionally outside of Hong Kong. Sifu Kwok is a Community Leadership Award recipient (2015) of United States President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN). He holds a master’s degree from Harvard University and a Doctor of Education degree in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning from Northeastern University. In 2018, he established Martial Arts Education Society (MAES), a volunteer organization devoted to spreading awareness of the martial arts by educating people in discipline, philosophy, history, and culture.

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