Wing Chun Sifus Database

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Common Name Bio (continued on main profile page) Lineage Last Updatedsort ascending
Panos Raptopoulos I have been training in eastern martial arts, including Shaolin Kung Fu and Thai Boxing, for over a decade, since I was 12 years old. During 1994, at... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Apr 16, 2024
Steve Milliet Steve Milliet I have been actively involved in Wing Chun since 1988. I have been chose by one of my Sifu to inherit and oversee our Kung Fu family and Kung Fu... Read more (Yuen Kay San) Sum Nung Apr 8, 2024
Cleomar Dornelas Da Silva Cleomar Dornelas Da Silva, natural de Coromandel/MG, servidor público, graduado em Ciências Militares pelo Centro de Ensino de Graduação (CEG) do... Read more (Ip Man) Cheung King Kong (George Cheung) Apr 8, 2024
João Inocêncio João Inocêncio natural do Estado do Piuaí no Brasil, personagem ilustre de sua terra tanto na parte espiritual (católico apostólico romano) como na... Read more (Ip Man) Cheung King Kong (George Cheung) Apr 8, 2024
Sidnei Ribeiro 黎俠 白虎壮 Sidnei Ribeiro (白虎壮 )Iniciou Artes Marciais no Karatê Shotokan, amante sincero das artes marciais se dedicava muito, mas sentia falta de algo, algo... Read more (Ip Man) Cheung King Kong (George Cheung) Apr 8, 2024
Nilson França 黎俠弘宝活 Nilson França 黎俠弘宝活 (Lai Xia Hong Bau Huo), inicio na arte do Kung Fu Shaolin, após migrou para Wing Chun treinando com Sifu Marco Natali, após... Read more (Ip Man) Cheung King Kong (George Cheung) Apr 8, 2024
WingTsun Genève Laurent Baxevanis Laurent Baxevanis n 2021, after 9 years of practice, I opened a new WingTsun school in Geneva. I'm currently in my 2nd high grade (teaching grade) and continue to... Read more (Ip Man) Leung Ting Apr 4, 2024
Keith Sonnenberg Keith Sonnenberg Sifu Keith Sonnenberg's interest in the Asian martial arts began in his home town of Detroit, Michigan at the early age of 16 when he took up the... Read more (Ip Man) Leung Ting Mar 31, 2024
SiFu Dean Marshall Dean Marshall Si-Fu Dean Marshall began training in Martial Arts in 2001 In Muay Thai. Over the years he trained in multiple styles understanding their approach to... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Mar 13, 2024
Brian Taylor Williams Brian Williams is currently teaching the Tang Family Lineage. Shaolin Weng Chun - The Original Art Program: - Weng Chun Kuen - Sheung Kung -... Read more (Shaolin Weng Chun) Tang Family Mar 4, 2024


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