He has trained diligently and has shown himself to be highly effective in applying the material taught to him and in conveying it to others. He is a lead instructor under SiFu Carroll.
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He has trained diligently and has shown himself to be highly effective in applying the material taught to him and in conveying it to others. He is a lead instructor under SiFu Carroll.
Officially Approved by SiFu Carroll
I am Mike Blackgrave of San Antonio, Texas. I am a long time practitioner in the martial ways (38 years). I have earned teaching credentials in Wing Chun under Sifu Dustan Carroll, but also owe my previous Wing Chun teacher, Sifu Scott Baker my gratitude for truly setting me on the Wing Chun path. I trained in U.S.A. Goju to the rank of Black Belt. I also earned Punong Guro rank under GM Yuli Romo in BaHad ZuBu Ilustrisimo, Lakan Guro under the late Mataas Guro Ricky Riellera in Pekititersia Kali. I have a strong working knowledge in American Kenpo, boxing and wrestling having spent a fair amount of time in each methodology. All of these years and work helped me to develop my combatives methodology dubbed S.E.A.M.O.K. (simple effective aggressive methods of kalis) based strongly on the simplistic nature of Wing Chun and Kalis Ilustrisimo. The blend is amazing, and simple to both learn, and use. I am a firm believer that motion is motion, and what flows together goes together. In my humble opinion the concept of Wing Chun encompasses this mentality, not to be limited by, lineage, hierarchy or dogmatic theory that in truth can get one killed. If one is experienced in violence this lesson shines through. Having worked the majority of my life in tumultuous fields (Bouncer, Bounty Hunter, Body Guard, etc.) I learned the hard way, that there is not just one way to get the work done when needed. I am also an advocate of firearm training, carry, and usage. I teach under my banner of I.S.P. (Imminent Skirmish Procedures). The Wing Chun flowing motion transcends brilliantly to the usage of firearms. It is merely plugging in another tool to the Wing Chun continuum of flow.
Outside of the martial realm I am a single father (widower) and the father to a fantastic 10 year old daughter who is my world. I am a voracious reader, a writer of poetry, short stories, and a workout-aholic (YOGA is good for the soul). Once again, in violence if you are not physically fit you are in trouble. My mandate for self is simple I believe in the trinity of F. F. F. (Faith - Fit - Fight)......be well versed in all three areas and the gold is yours.
"Ego is the cross we bare our souls upon"
`Seraphim of Sarov~06-30-1963