Robert Bruggeman
- First (Given): Robert
- Last (Family): Bruggeman
- Commenly Know As: Robert Bruggeman
- Nicknames/Alt Spellings: Bob
Websites/Social Pages: Classical Ving Tsun Belgie
Verification: Verified Sifu

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Websites/Social Pages: Classical Ving Tsun Belgie
Verification: Verified Sifu
Full Lineage:
Leung Yee Tai > Dr. Leung Jan (Leung Tak Wing) > Leung Bik > Ip Man 葉問 (Yip Gai-Man) > Victor Kan (Wah Chit) > Robert Bruggeman
No Wiki Entries
Sifu Robert Bruggeman has an experience of more than 35 years Ving Tsun. He took up Ving Tsun in the mid-seventies. Bob continued to develop his skills and in the search of perfecting them, he met and trained with several direct student of Ip Man: Tsui Shun Tien, Wang Kiu (at first via Henk Roelofsen), and Ip Ching and he attended several courses William Cheung. In 1995, he finally ffound what he was looking for, in the person of another former Ip Man Student: Grandmaster Victor Kan. In the same year, he became his disciple, and he has been running several branches throughout the European mainland. He currently has two schools running in Belgium (Antwerp and Brussels).
Title: what a load of bullshit
Title: Sifu Bruggeman does not claim