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Full Lineage:
Dai Fa Min Kam > Fung Siu Ching > Yiu Ma Jong
Currently nothing is known about this Sifu. He is mentioned in several of our Wiki Atricles and was a know student of Fung Siu Ching, and the teacher of Xiao Xong. Please add any more information you have.
Ma Jong Yiu trained primarily with two masters Yuen Kai Fung Siu Ching and San Fung Siu Ching was the master which recognizes Yiu family because it was only served him tea.
Ma Jong Yiu was a training partner of some students as Brother Dong.
Some travel time with Fung Siu Ching while working bodyguards (with a much smaller course clear that his master was one more way to walk together).
Viewed together great masters of Kung Fu including Leung Jan, Leung Jan when they visited Ma Jong yiu no longer worked more bodyguards, sought more targets as the study of Buddhism, more like combinaramde is in Foshan visited the Master Leung.
In this meeting with GM Fung Siu Ching it shows the hand shapes of their students, former colleagues of Yiu. Yiu descide create the shape of your family too, and creates Xun She (taming the serpent) this way works, techniques, concepts of struggle heaven, man and earth, beyond the Tan Tiens energetic channeling energy creating a lethal form that focuses sees vuneraveis acupuncture points and areas with strong treinamente finger and chi kung was ready to form his family.
This form was passed to his disciple Xiao Xong a young humble, poor family in Tibet.
Xiao Xong Aprendeutudo GM Yiu had traveled together to teach and only parted with the death of Ma Jong Yiu in 1929.
Ma Jong Yiu treinou basicamente com dois mestres Yuen Kai San e Fung Siu Ching, Fung Siu Ching foi o mestre qual a familia Yiu reconhece pois somente foi servido chá a ele.
Ma Jong Yiu foi parceiro de treino de alguns alunos como os irmão, Dong.
Vez algumas viagens com Fung Siu Ching quando trabalhava de guarda costas ( com uma patente bem menor claro que de seu mestre, mais era um jeito de andarem juntos).
Juntos visitaram grandes mestres de Kung Fu inclusive leung Jan, quando visitaram Leung Jan Ma Jong yiu já não trabalhava mais de guarda costas, buscava mais alvos como o estudo do budismo, mais como combinaramde se encontrar em Foshan visitaram o mestre Leung.
Neste encontro com GM Fung Siu Ching ele mostra as formas de mão de seus alunos , antigos colegas de YIu . Yiu descide criar a forma de sua família também, e cria o Xun She ( domesticando a serpente) esta forma trabalha , técnicas, conceitos da luta céu, homem e terra, além dos Tan Tiens energeticos canalização de energia criando uma forma letal que foca acerta pontos de acupuntura e aréas vuneraveis, com o forte treinamente de dedo e chi kung estava pronto a forma de sua família.
Esta forma foi passada a seu discipulo Xiao Xong um jovem humilde, de familia pobre no Tibet.
Xiao Xong Aprendeutudo que GM Yiu tinha a ensinar e viajaram juntos só se separaram com a morte de Ma Jong Yiu em 1929 .