Luigi Verdura
- First (Given): Luigi
- Last (Family): Verdura
- Commenly Know As: Luigi Verdura
Websites/Social Pages: Der Tempel der alten Künste
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Websites/Social Pages: Der Tempel der alten Künste
I owe a great debt of gratitude for my experiences in Wing Chun and Qigong to my teachers. On the one hand, there is my Wing Chun teacher Michael Mehle from Frankfurt am Main, with whom I have shared a passion for Wing Chun for over 20 years. I would also like to thank his teachers, especially Sifu Gary Lam from Los Angeles, who has contributed significantly to my development as a Wing Chun practitioner, and my Qigong instructor, Dr. Imke Bock-Möbius from Qigong-Shiatsu-Radolfzell, and her outstanding teachers.