Wing Chun Sifus Database

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Wong Long Ching Wong Long Ching Sifu GM Wong Long Ching has been practicing Wing Chun since he was 18 years old; he studied directly under Ip Man. (Ip Man) Wong Long Ching May 29, 2019
Wong Nim Yi Wong Nim Yi Current Grandmaster of the Lineage, Mai Gei Wong's Son. Person responsible for you knowing about the lineage most likely. Master Wong Nim Yi, lives... Read more (Yuen Kay San) Mai Gei Wong Jun 10, 2020
Wong Shun Leung Wong Shun Leung 黃淳樑 1935-1997. Known as “Gong Sau Wong”, or “King of Talking with the Hands”, due to the fact he fought a bunch of challenge matches in the 50's and 60's... Read more (Ip Man) Wong Shun Leung Nov 20, 2016
Wong Sun 黄新 Wong Sun 黄新 é natural de Hong Kong de família controlada, no ramo de pedras preciosas. Amante de artes marciais, praticou tai chi chuan antes de... Read more (Ip Man) Greg Tsoi Nov 20, 2016
Wong Ting Little is known about Cheung Gung, as more info is found we will update this profile. If you have any further info to add please let us know.  (Hung Fa Yi / Hung Suen) Red Flower Righteous / Red Boat Nov 20, 2016
Wong Wah Bo Wong Wah Bo was said to have learned his Wing Chun from Cheung Ng also known as Tan Sao Ng where they were both involved within the Hung Suen / Red... Read more Other - Not Listed (Email Admin to add) Nov 20, 2016
Wong Wah Sam We have no Info on this Sifu. Please login or register, then hit the "edit" tab on this page to add information! This site relies on you to help keep... Read more Nov 20, 2016
Xiao Xong GM Xiao Xong é do Tibet,Sabe-se que foi Discípulo do GM Ma Chung Yiu quando ele busca estudar o Budismo,andaram juntos por media de cinco anos. Foi... Read more Other - Not Listed (Email Admin to add) Nov 20, 2016
Yacine Bayou Hi, I am a martial arts enthusiast, practitioner and teacher who received his teacher’s blessing to teach and instruct the Art of Wing Chun and its... Read more (Ip Man) Lee Shing Apr 4, 2017
Yahya Hassan Of Turkish descent and lived all his life in Melbourne Australia, Yahya Hassan was Sifu Maurice's first formal student and began his training at 14... Read more (Ip Man) William Cheung Jan 24, 2023


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