Jue Wing Chun - Kali Academy

Head Instructor: Simon Mayer

School Lineage: (Ip Man) Leung Ting

Website: Jue Wing Chun - Kali Academy

Phone: 562-304-8958

Address 1: 10958 Los Alamitos Blvd

Address 2:

City: Los Alamitos

State/Provience: CA

Country: US

Directions: Try to Map it

more info:

Ready to study Wing Chun Kung Fu / Filipino Martial Arts (both used in the Jason Bourne movie series) and change your life? Have fun, learn arts studied by Bruce Lee, & meet new people. 2023: Rated A+ (highest rating possible) with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Widowed, & Bullied friendly